Cookie Policy

Cookie policy

This page describes what information Life in the Cocoon Ltd (‘COCOON@) gathers, how it is used and why COCOON sometimes needs to store certain cookies. By continuing to use our site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies in the manner described in this notice.

Cookies are files stored on your device during your browsing on the Internet and especially on the site. A cookie is not used to collect personal data without your knowledge but to record information about your browsing on the site that can be directly read by COCOON during your visits and subsequent requests on the site (such as: pages you visited, or the date and time of viewing these pages).

When you visit our site for the first time, COCOON informs you of the use of cookies with the help of an information banner at the bottom of the page. By continuing to browse the site after displaying this banner, you consent to COCOON's use of cookies.

Some cookies are necessary for the operation of the COCOON’s website and services, and are installed by default. Other types of cookies are installed when you accept by clicking "ok" on the banner or while you continue browsing the site. In order to avoid any inconvenience caused by these systematic requests for authorisation, and to profit from an uninterrupted navigation, we can memorize your refusal or acceptance relating to certain cookies.


The cookies that we use on the COCOON site allow us to:

  • establish statistics and volumes of visits to the pages of the site;
  • facilitate communication;
  • provide the user with the requested service;
  • recognise users for future visits;
  • to adapt the presentation of our site and our advertising spaces to the display preferences of the user's terminal (language, operating system, etc.);
  • to offer targeted advertising to the user;
  • fight against fraud on the internet;
  • secure transactions made by users on the site.

Certain browsing information collected via cookies may be transmitted to our business partners.


Third party cookies 

When you access, by clicking on their banners or advertising links, third-party sites advertising on the site of COCOON, or when you view these advertisements, cookies may be used by the companies broadcasting these advertisements. These third parties may use cookies as part of the COCOON services (partners, advertisers or other third parties providing content or services available on the site) and are responsible for the cookies they put in place, and it is their provisions relating to cookies that apply. COCOON assumes no responsibility for the possible use of cookies by these third parties. 


Setting your cookies according to your browser

For the management of Cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to change your wishes for cookies. The refusal or deletion of cookies may prevent the proper functioning of the site. Below, we explain what to do according to the main browsers:




Block third-party cookies:
Menu> Settings> Show advanced settings (located at the bottom of the page). Then click on the button Content settings then check the box block cookies and data from third-party sites, then click OK to validate your choice.

Prevent cookie installation:
Use Chrome extensions such as DoNotTrackMe, Disconnect or Ghostery.

Blocking social networks buttons:
Free extension Privacy badger

Limiting tracing in Adobe Flash:
The Flash software component is configured by default to allow the recording of information to trace the user. It is recommended that you change these settings by connecting to the Online Settings Manager. You must configure the privacy settings for each of the 8 tabs.



Block third-party cookies:
Menu > Options > "Privacy" tab. Set the "Retention rules" menu to "Use custom settings for history". Finally, uncheck the box "Accept third-party cookies".

Prevent cookie installation:
Use Chrome extensions such as DoNotTrackMe, Disconnect or Ghostery.

Blocking social networks buttons:
Free extension Privacy badger

Limiting tracing in Adobe Flash:
The Flash software component is configured by default to allow the recording of information to trace the user. It is recommended that you change these settings by connecting to the Online Settings Manager. You must configure the privacy settings for each of the 8 tabs.


Decline cookies:
Menu > Internet Options > "Privacy" tab and the Advanced button to display the Advanced Privacy Settings window. Then check the box "Ignore automatic cookie management" and select "Decline" in the "Third party cookies" column.

Limit tracing in Adobe Flash:
The Flash software component is configured by default to allow the recording of information to trace the user. It is recommended that you change these settings by connecting to the Online Settings Manager. You must configure the privacy settings for each of the 8 tabs.

For more information about cookies, and how to manage and disable them on various browsers, you can visit this guide.