Returns and Exchanges
Returns and Exchanges
Read on to learn more about returns and exchanges for COCOON bags.
If you purchased a bag on COCOON
Please get in touch to request a return within 14 days of receipt of your order. The return must be shipped back to us within 28 days of the original delivery date. Returns will only be accepted if the return tag remains attached with the security seal intact. COCOON will arrange a collection for the bag to be returned, and the shipping fees will be deducted from your refund to cover the cost of this service. For more information see our Terms and Conditions.
If you ordered a bag with your COCOON membership
If you are not happy with the bag you have ordered with a membership swap, additional swap add-on or Bag Pass, please get in touch within 24 hours of delivery to request an exchange and we’ll swap it for another style. Exchanges will only be accepted if the return tag remains attached with the security seal intact. If the return tag is removed or the security seal is not intact, the items will be considered worn and you may incur a charge to exchange the bag for a different style. For more information see our Terms and Conditions.
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